Roofing in Ypsilanti Michigan During The Cold Weather Months
During the winter here in Ypsilanti Michigan it seems that everything starts to get put off until ‘after the first of the year’ or ‘when the weather breaks’. While waiting until warmer weather gets here may be an option for some, when you have a problem on your home’s roof and need repairs, sometimes you just can’t wait. There are some tactics that can be used when you need roof replacement in Ypsilanti Michigan during the winter season. You may also be able to get a roof repair done on your home. Understanding more about why it’s best to have your home recovered in the warmer weather can help you better decide what you should do if your roof is in need of replacement or repair.
Roofing in Ypsilanti Michigan During The Cold Weather Months
No matter what roofing service you need be sure to call us and speak with one of our qualified roofing professionals for help. We may be able to offer options that can help you protect your home even during colder weather.
There are no shortages of people up on the roof during the summer and early fall while the weather is nice. But your roof and the weather don’t plan the problems around when it is most suitable to be up on a roof doing repairs. So what do you do when your roof needs repairs during the winter?
Obviously, when you have the choice it is preferable to hold off on major repairs and full roof replacements until the weather in nicer. But while most chose to install their new roofs in the warmer months, it is important to know that you can still get help when your roof needs to be fixed all winter long. But things will need to be done differently to accommodate the colder weather.
Many manufacturers will have recommendations about how to best apply their materials and it is important to find a roofer who understands these needs and be able to fix your problem without wasting your money or making you have to go through the process all over again when the weather gets warmer.
What Happens to Shingles During Cold Weather?
For example, asphalt shingles can become brittle in colder temperatures. But this doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t use them. A roofer should wait, if possible, for a warmer day to install the shingles, but they can take precautions before applying them to reduce the risk of problems later on. This includes storing the shingles in a warm place and keeping them their up until the point where you are ready to install them. This minimizes the chance of breaking the asphalt shingles.
While the sun’s heat does greatly help to promote a good seal between the shingles and roof, the shingles can be sealed on and kept on with hand tapping to keep a proper seal until warmer weather comes. The hand tapping holds the seal and then once the sun’s heat comes back strong enough to properly seal the shingle to the roof. This does not require any further work on your or the roofer’s part.
Is the Warranty Still the Same if a Roof is Installed in Winter?
Warranties are also highly recommended for those re-shingling or doing any kind of roof repairs in the winter. You should always strive to get a warranty on both the materials and the work for your roof, but this is especially true in the winter. Obviously you cannot wait for the weather to get better when your roof is falling apart because it can wreak havoc on the rest of your home in a very short amount of time. This is amplified even more when you have all of the sitting moisture from the snow. So to make sure you protect your home and don’t need to pay all over again to have the work redone, you really need to have a warranty.
To avoid the stress of roofing in winter it is always recommended that you get your roof checked out before the snow starts to fall and the temperature drops. Getting your home assessed beforehand and getting a clean bill of health will keep you from having to stress over fixing your roof or hoping the work will go smoothly and last without issue.
Be sure to call us today at 734-291-0165 and speak with one of our qualified experts about your roofing needs. At Ypsilanti Roofing Company we offer a wide variety of roofing services which include free estimates.