Key Signs You Need Roof Repair in Ypsilanti Michigan
Having a leaking roof can be loads of trouble. From the damage of water entering your home to the safety factor of the entire situation. Finding the right roofing contractor that offers roof repair Ypsilanti MI means you’ll need to call Ypsilanti Roofing Company. We offer full service on roof repairs and we also offer emergency service for your roof repair needs. Sometimes knowing when you need roof repair isn’t that clear however. In this article I’ll go over some key signs that your home needs roof repair done and what you should be looking for to keep your roof in good working order.
Key Signs You Need Roof Repair in Ypsilanti Michigan
No one wants to realize their roof is leaking and in need or repair. But it’s even worse to realize this just after it starts to rain. And with some storms lately that seem to last for days it’s best to have your roof in good working order to protect your home from damage caused by a roof leak. Ypsilanti Roofing Company can help you if your need roof repair in Ypsilanti Michigan. We also offer emergency service to provide temporary roof repair if needed. Many of the problems listed below can indicate a problem with your roof and will need to be addressed by a properly trained roofer to keep your roof in good working order. All of these signs can be seen from the ground as it is not advised to go on your roof. Going on your home’s roof is dangerous and should only be done by experienced professionals with proper training and safety equipment.
All of these signs can be seen from the ground as it is not advised to go on your roof. Going on your home’s roof is dangerous and should only be done by experienced professionals with proper training and safety equipment.
Visible Damage to Your Roof
Sometimes just a quick look at your roof and you can notice problems. Usually when the roof is damaged by fallen objects such as trees or branches it will be very evident. However, there are other damages that can occur on your home’s roof as well that may not be so evident. The biggest problem that occurs on the roof is broken shingles that have been blown abou by the wind. Usually the higher the wind the more damage your roof may sustain. So if a storm with high winds comes through your neighborhood it’s a good idea to take a look at your roof to ensure the shingles are not broken and damaged from the wind. As the shingles gets older this can become more of a problem. I’ll explain more below.
Curling Shingles on the Roof
Asphalt shingles are designed to last for a long time, but that doesn’t mean they will last forever. Most of the shingles that were installed in the past few decades have a lifespan of about 15 to 40 years. As the shingles get older they start to lose their rigidity and curl on the edges. This is a problem because as the shingles curl they lose adhesion to the seal from layers of shingles below them. It also created an area in the shingle that sticks up from the roof ever so slightly. As the wind picks up against the roof it contacts the older shingles which are not sticking up from the roof a bit rather than laying flat. Usually this means the shingles will break as the wind catches the shingle and bends it back.
Signs of Water Damage Inside
Sometimes the roof leak on your home can be really small and just not visible without a good closeup look. It may be difficult to tell from the exterior of the home unless a full roof inspection is done on the home. However, if you have a roof leak in your home chances are you’ll have stains on the ceiling in your home. When you see discolorations on your ceilings or walls, chances are you have a roof leak and will need roof repair Ypsilanti MI to put your roof back into good working order.
Pieces of Shingles on Your Lawn
Another sign that your roof is damaged by a storm is there will be shingles located on your lawn. When wind and storms breaks tabs and pieces of shingles away from the roof they will usually end up in gutters or on the lawn. If you notice any roofing materials located on your lawn be sure to get a roof inspection for your home.
Get a Roof Inspection in Ypsilanti Michigan to Be Sure
If you notice any of the problems above make sure you get a roof inspection for your home. At Ypsilanti Roofing Company we have professional roofers that can come out and inspect your roof usually in the same day. Call us today for more information at to set up an appointment at 734-291-0165