Insulate Your Attic and Prepare for Fall with These Tips From Ypsilanti Roofing Company
When fall is in the air, there is always a sense of coziness we all love and cherish. Fall means blankets and sweaters and warm fuzzy socks. We like to enjoy these things, but we don’t like if we are still cold and uncomfortable after putting all of these things on. Your home may remain colder than it should in the fall and winter if your attic is not properly insulated. One of the most overlooked components of the home is the insulation in the attic and proper ventilation in the roof of the home. While balancing these two items can seem difficult it could have a huge impact on how energy efficient your home is as well as when you’ll need to get a new roof in Ypsilanti Michigan. We’ll provide tips below to make sure you get the most out of your attic insulation.
Insulate Your Attic and Prepare for Fall with These Tips From Ypsilanti Roofing Company
One of the biggest problems that are often overlooked when someone gets a new roof is the ventilation that is needed for the roof to perform as it should. Improper ventilation can cause a roof to fail prematurely and lead to all sorts of other problems including mold growth and decreased energy efficiency in the home. When adding insulation many homeowners will want to cover all the vents thinking it’s best to keep the cold air out. However, doing so will lead to these problems we’ve just mentioned. Get a roofing contractor to inspect your roof and attic to determine just how much insulation should be added and where. You can call Ypsilanti Roofing Company for a roof inspection and we’ll give you a free estimate as well. Call 734-291-0165 to learn more today!
No matter how efficient your roofing may be, if there isn’t the right amount or kind of insulation in your attic, your home is not correctly protected from the colder temperatures. You’re losing heat through your attic rather than keeping the warmth inside. As a result, you’re also wasting a greater amount of energy trying to keep the house warm and cozy. Luckily, there are a few ways that insulating your attic can help this.
Slows Heat Loss
If you live in a new home that shouldn’t have existing issues such as gaps and leaks from settling, you still could have inadequate insulation. This contributes to heat loss and therefore energy loss. Inefficient heating and cooling issues increases your energy cost so you’re losing all the way around here. Instead of throwing money at the energy to fight the heating and cooling issues, invest in a better insulated attic to help this.
Regulates Humidity
Humidity lowers in cooler weather. Depending on where you live, this could be a blessing, but the humidity levels in your home are still important for your comfort. With lowered humidity, your skin often is left feeling cold and dry. If your attic isn’t insulated properly, you could be losing moisture through leaks in the roof and attic.
Correcting your insulation issue can help to keep a better control over humidity levels in your home. This can also help during the summertime with keeping excess moisture out and preventing mold and mildew issues from occurring. Insulation correction is a year round beneficial investment.
Corrects Leaks
Any home can have leaks and gaps and cracks. Older homes are especially more prone to this and your attic tends to be a significant place where these are. The air in your home is being let out, with the cooler air settling into your house. These leaks occur where there are wires and pipes feeding into your home. Proper insulation can help to seal and cover these leaks to decrease how much warm air escapes.
Correcting your attic insulation problem will make your home much more comfortable and easier to maintain that comfort. If you are looking to make this change, be sure to contact a professional so that the job is done right and you can be sure that your attic is insulated well. A professional will also be able to answer any of your questions and you’ll be able to discuss options with someone who knows what they are talking about.