How to Avoid Snow and Ice Roof Damage in Ypsilanti Michigan
Weather can cause damage to our homes more often than we realize and it doesn’t just happen during huge severe storms. Even regular snow and ice falls that happen frequently can lead to roof damage in Ypsilanti Michigan. Your roof will be at risk of getting snow and ice damage if you live in an area such as Ypsilanti Michigan so learning some tips to help protect your roof can certainly help.
How to Avoid Snow and Ice Roof Damage in Ypsilanti Michigan
The older homes are more likely to suffer snow and ice damage to their roofs. Also another factor that can make snow and ice more or a problem is roofs that don’t have a lot of pitch. Flat roofs can collect snow and ice quickly during larger storms while pitched roofs don’t collect as much. And while this is not something that can be changed easily it can help you to understand how much your roof is at risk if it’s not pitched a lot.
So Just How Can Snow and Ice Damage a Roof?
When temperatures change, snow and ice melt on your roof, water seeps through small holes in your roof. This water will expand and freeze when it gets colder again, making the holes even larger. When it warms up again, the frozen water will thaw and allow more water to enter your roof. The heat that radiates off your roof from inside your home will also melt the snow and ice sometimes as well. There are a few signs that snow and ice have made their way onto your roof and are likely causing some type of damage.
A roof in good condition should be capable of supporting a few feet of snow but there are many factors that can play into that. For example as most people know snow and ice are different weights and if there are many layers of ice in the snow it can cause a lot of added weight to the roof. Sometimes you may see sagging in the roof which can be a sign of roof damage occurring on your home.
Another sign that your roof has suffered snow or ice damage is the formation of icicles. These issues should be addressed immediately to prevent leaking ceilings, possible health hazards, or structural damage. As the winter draws in, you will be more stressed if you ignore them. The problem isn’t the icicles but the fact that snow and ice is melting and then refreezing on your roof. This can be a cause for concern. Another problem this may promote is roof ice dams.
Roof Ice Dams Forming on Your Home
Poor ventilation is just one problem that can cause uneven roof temperatures and ice dams. Bad ventilation can cause warm air from your attic and roof to rise up, making snow and ice melt. The thawed snow turns into water, which then runs down your roof’s colder edges before melting again. This can lead to large blocks of ice that block gutters. If you notice a roof ice dam on your home removing it quickly is needed to prevent damage to the roof.
The first step in removing ice dams is to identify where they are located. Apply an ice-melting solution to any dams located near your gutter. After they are removed, you can clean any snow remaining on your roof with a long-handled Ice rake. You will also need to inspect the gutters and fascia boards around the roof ice dam as they are typically damaged. You can sometimes clear the gutters and downspouts for normal operations again.
It’s always best to hire a professional roofer for this type of work. It is dangerous to work on roofs in winter when there is ice and snow. The risk of injury and falling goes up significantly during colder weather. If you don’t have the experience to remove ice dams using specialized tools, hire a professional. Clearing ice dams isn’t a one-time task. You will likely have to do this several times throughout the winter.
Call a Professional Roofer
If you think your roof may have been damaged by ice or snow be sure to call a professional roofer for roof repairs or an inspection on your roof. At Ypsilanti Roofing Company we can repair, replace, or inspect your roof with experienced and qualified roofing team. Call us today for a free quote on roofing services.